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More Than Just An Office Visit

Working with Parents

Our independent educational and neuropsychological evaluations begins with a clinical interview with parent(s)/guardian(s) to gather key information that plays a major role in the evaluation and crucial to fully understanding your child. Parents can also share relevant past records involving their child, such as medical, educational, prior evaluations, and/or IEPs, for review. Some components in the clinical interview include the following components: 


  • Reasons for the referral and the expected outcomes from all parties involved

  • Questions you want answered by the evaluation

  • Family history

  • Birth and developmental history

  • Health history

  • Social history

  • Educational history and prior evaluations


At the end of the evaluation, we take the time to sit with parents to go over the comprehensive report and answer any questions they may have about the results. These meetings include a review of the above information and:

  • Tests results

  • Conclusions

  • Recommendations

  • A descriptive analysis of how your child learns and specific instructive methods that matches his or her unique style of learning 

​We are also dedicated to helping you and your child from beginning to end. Meetings can be intimidating and it may be challenging to articulate your ideas and opinions about your child's success. Often times, parents have trouble taking what they learned about their child from the evaluation and sharing it with the school. Therefore, parents have the right to bring an advocate to any formal meeting held at the school. We offer to attend meetings about your child with you, not only to discuss our evaluation findings and recommendations, but also support you and your child.

Participation in meetings on behalf of Students with Disabilities or students not yet identified as having disabilities such include:

•  Parent-teacher conferences

•  Administrative meetings

•  Evaluation team meetings

•  Response to Intervention meetings

•  Individualized Educational Program meetings

•  Mediation sessions or Manifestation Determination

Working with Students

Depending on the reason of the referral, our evaluations offer a closer look at the underlining neuro-cognitive issues impacting your child's performance. Our evaluations are more thorough than a typical psycho-educational evaluation performed in school with less restrictions than evaluations conducted in a hospital or clinical setting. Out assessment process typically takes 6 hours spanning 2-3 days and includes the following components: 


  • Student interview that encourages discourse and rapport while collecting important information from the child's perspective

  • Neuro-Cognitive assessment that examines, depending on the reason for the referral, the following functions:

    • Sensorimotor​

    • Visuospatial

    • Auditory

    • Language

    • Learning

    • Memory

    • Executive Functioning

    • Attention

    • Working Memory

    • Speed, Fluency, and Efficiency

    • Social-Emotional and Behavioral Functioning​​

  • Academic Achievement assessment that examines, depending on the reason for the referral, the following areas:​

    • Reading Skills including early reading abilities such as phonological processing, phonemic awareness, â€‹early decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

    • Mathematical Skills including numeric calculation, real-life application, and quantitative reasoning

    • Writing Skills including spelling, grammar, fluency, and sentence and paragraph construction

Working with Schools

Even though our testing and assessment occurs outside the school and in a one-on-one setting, we are dedicated to working directly with your child's school because we understand it is essential to incorporate how he or she functions in the educational environment into our evaluations for a holistic view of your child. With our knowledge of the school system, we can communicate with the school more effectively than many hospital or clinic-based school psychologists. Schools offer valuable insight on your child's learning and it's important to include their perspective and directly collect that important information without the hassle of making the parents the "middle-man" where key information can get lost in translation. In our dedication to work with your child's school, we will attempt the following: 


  • Reach out directly to administers and establish a professional relationship with the school

  • Learn about the various supports the school can offer so we can appropriately match your child's needs with instruction

  • Meet and talk with teachers 

  • Allow teachers to complete surveys and questionnaires

  • Schedule time to come in and observe your child in the classroom setting

  • Attend meetings with the parents at the school 

Working With and For You and Your Child

Evaluations vary case by case, and they are often driven by the key questions you have about your child's learning and academic needs. Not every child needs an evaluation or may need a more serious medial evaluation. If you have more questions regarding neuropsychological evaluations, meet with one of our specialists to discuss and review your main concerns with our free initial interview and consultation to help determine not only if our services are right for your child but if there are also options that are better or more affordable.

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