Independent Educational Evaluations
Affordable, Accessible, Committed

Why Request An Evaluation?
Parents request independent and neuropsychological evaluations for many reasons. Below are some of the most common reasons:
Your child seems to be getting a lot of help and support both at home and at school, but you see no progress nor any improvement at all. The school may mention that your child is receiving supports through Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) where he or she works in a small group on key foundational skills, but you see no results.
You believe your child has distinct learning needs, whether you feel he or she is extremely gifted and/or struggles significantly in one or more academic or social-emotional areas.
You wonder if your child has a disability that is heavily impacting his or her performance in school and whether he or she needs either specialized support, an Individual Education Program (IEP), or a 504 plan.
Your child has a history of a head injury or neurological disorder, such as a seizure disorder, you have a suspicion that your child could potentially have a neurological disorder, or child has a history of being exposed to a neurodevelopmental risk factor, such as lead poisoning or premature birth.
Your school has denied your request for a special education evaluation, and you want a second opinion about this decision.
There is a sudden and dramatic drop in your child’s performance and achievement that cannot be explained.
Your insurance will not cover an evaluation at a medical setting, such as a hospital or clinic, and you feel the cost is too high for what they have to offer.
If your school conducted a standard psychoeducational evaluation and:
You’re unsure of the results and want a second opinion.
The results indicate processing deficits that you do not fully understand and school officials have trouble explaining.
You are presented with scattered results that don’t seem to make sense.
You feel that the evaluation didn’t address your questions regarding your child’s learning and specific needs, or worse, only raised more unanswered questions.