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Happy Family
Why JLD Evaluations?

Feel like you need some direction with your child's education?



​Private evaluations that are provided in medical settings, such as hospitals or clinics, typical cost on average anywhere between $300-$500 an hour, and insurance usually only covers a quarter of the cost with certain restrictions. For example, insurance may only cover up to 6 hours for both testing and report writing. They can even restrict the tests a clinician can administer. We provide very competitive pricing that is not only affordable but also inclusive with little to no restrictions.  



Hospitals and Clinics usually have rigid office hours and waiting lists. Scheduling an appointment for your child could take months. School evaluations often have a lot of red tape and require approval by a team of staff members before moving forward. Once approved, an evaluation can take up to 60 school days (work days) to complete. We provide quick scheduling and attempt to complete the evaluation within 1-2 weeks of the scheduled evaluation. We also provide flexible hours and will work around your schedule to prevent you from missing work or your child missing school. If traveling is a problem for you, you have the option of having the evaluation completed in the comfort of your home!



Parents often serve as the “middle-man” between the school and the hospital or clinic, and the clinician often only gets to see your child in a one-on-one setting, which doesn’t provide a holistic view of your child. They also make recommendations without the school's input/perspective or knowing anything about the child's learning environment. This is often the reason why outside reports are rejected by the school. At school, psychologists are often overwhelmed with a high number of cases that limit the time and dedication they can provide to your child with a full comprehensive evaluation. Most school psychologists are not trained nor certified to provide a detailed neuropsychological evaluation your child may need nor are schools required to provide one. Schools are only required to provide a psycho-educational evaluation, which only looks at a small handful of processing skills through a narrow lens. 


We are committed to getting a holistic viewpoint of your child's performance. For the best interest of your child, we are dedicated to working directly with his or her school through classroom observation and teacher interviews. We not only understand the school system and can communicate with the school more effectively than many hospital or clinic-based school psychologists, we are trained in neuropsychological assessment to identify a large gambit of processing skills to determine specific strengths and needs. We are also dedicated to helping you and your child from beginning to end. Meetings can be intimidating and it may be challenging to articulate your ideas and opinions about your child's success. Often times, parents have trouble taking what they learned about their child from the evaluation and sharing it with the school. Therefore, parents have the right to bring an advocate to any formal meeting held at the school. We offer to attend meetings about your child with you, not only to discuss our evaluation findings and recommendations, but also support you and your child. 

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